We view Right the Record as belonging to the Greater Cleveland Community, and all people affected by police violence. That’s why we want the community involved. There are many ways you can be a part of this project. 

If you have personal experience with police violence, you can make an important contribution to our mission of countering the official narrative of police violence by sharing your story with us.

If you are able to offer financial support we appreciate all donations. 

There’s a place for you here, whether you are seasoned or new to social justice activism, whatever skills you bring to the table. We need researchers, IT experts, videographers, guerilla marketers, artists, and professors. We need leaders, decision-makers, and students. We need folks who are simply good at social media, or, don’t know where they might fit in. 

If you’re passionate about exposing police violence in Cleveland, let us know how to contact you, and tell us a little about yourself and why this work interests you. Let’s explore the best way for you to fit into this community effort. 

We could not do this work without the efforts and collaboration of the many other existing organizations and activists operating within the community. If you would like to partner with us, please get in touch.