Craft, LaVerne T. Oral History Interview

Interviewer (I): Whatever you want, whatever you want to share.

LaVerne T. Craft (LTC): So. So, uh, I was somewhere and then the cop put on his gloves, he just came out and started punching me. I tried to walk away, and he jumped across the railing and started throwing stuff at me. Then he chased me around his car, followed me all out in the middle of the street. (Coughs.) He followed me all in the middle of the street. And I just so happened to be on the phone with the 911 dispatcher, and do you know what he did? He talking about send back up, then four cars came. The cars tried to run me over. I started running through CSU parking lot, then they said “Tase her, tase her,” so I sat down and I stopped running, to surrender, they still threw me to the ground. Put they knee on the side of my head, kicked me in my ribs, and punched me in my face.  I gots all kinds of scrapes and bruises and abrasions on my body. I really don’t appreciate it.

I: Thank you. Do you have anything else you want to share?