Dunklin, Earl Oral History Interview

Noah: Okay I think it’s going on. Yeah. There it goes. So what is your experience with police violence?

Earl: I was assaulted by four Euclid police officers in Euclid, Ohio. And kicked in the mouth,

Noah: jeez

Earl: excessively tased while in handcuffs. Okay. Then they get in the courtroom and tell the judge  and the jury, okay,  I took a swing at the officer, I pushed the officer, that they had to wrestle me against the wall and I wrestled three officers at one time to the ground.

Noah: jeez

Earl: and I got convicted of a felony for it.

Noah: Jeez. I am sorry, that’s, yeah it seems like they just end up lying in the most outlandish like,

Earl: Right, and in their testimony…in their testimony, they had no bruises; they had no wounds, no abrasions, anything. But I got photos of me with a hole in my lip, because the (indiscernible) went through my lip, and tasers…

Interviewer 2: And so the felony is, is following you?

Ear: Yeah.

Interviewer 2: So you can’t find work?

Earl: Well I have been working now.

Noah: Oh that’s good,

Earl: that because I’ve been doing what I do for some twenty something years. So a lot of people know me.

Interview 2: Okay, good.

Interviewer 2: that’s good. 

Noah: But yeah,

Earl: (indiscernible)

Interviewer 2: oh wow! That’s terrible.

Interviewer 3: Anything else you want to say about it?

Earl: Oh, other than that I’ve been on a year probation and you know it’s about over. You know this was back in May of 2014.  May 201…May 2014.

Noah: Yeah.

Earl: So I have been through all of that. I just got called to work (?), near ummm (indiscernible).

Noah: Well that’s good. Yeah, well May of 2014 is not that long ago, that’s still pretty new.

Earl: Right, it was recent, very recent. You know… I wasn’t, you know… I don’t know, I guess it must have been pissing them off. Because they were tasing me, it wasn’t affecting me, it didn’t hurt, you know.  And I guess it must have pissed them off. They kept on tasing me, while I am in handcuffs. I turned to the officer and said to the officer really? I am in handcuffs, I am not resisting you, and you are still tasing me. That’s when he told me to shut up and tased me again (?)

Noah: Yeah, jeeze. I am sorry. Alrgiht, thank you.

Interviewer 2: you are gonna be famous! So there…