Greenhat, Virgil Oral History Interview

Interviewer: Go ahead.

Virgil: Good afternoon. Here in Cleveland, Ohio and we’re talking about police violence and community relations, and I’m a disgruntled person.  I’ve had incidents where I feel like the police should have investigated or detectives after filing a report; I feel like it was a dereliction of duty and they were very rude. And in dealing with the public and the community at large and to protecting citizens throughout the city, I think that Bill Jackson is addressing some of the issues of police brutality in the area and abuse. And this part of my story is not so much physical abuse but I just think the police have another agenda investigating minor crimes and are practically giving all of their attention to big business.

Interviewer: Can you tell me in maybe a little bit more detail about sort of how that investigation went or the investigation that you’re talking about went and sort of how you feel as though justice wasn’t met?

Virgil: Well, I went in to file a report about unusual behavior of my landlord and identity theft and – excuse me –

Interviewer: Mmhhmm

Virgil: I feel that the police did not properly address some of the issues; however, they did take  a report, but I think that forwarding that report to an investigative unit or the detective unit should have been addressed at that time.

Interviewer: Mmmhmm. Thank you. Do you have anything else that you’d want to add?

Virgil: No. There’s nothing else I want to add.

Interviewer. Okay. Thank you.