Unnamed Oral History Interview – 2116

Interviewer: So, tell me about your experience with police violence here in Cleveland.

Interviewee: They constantly come around town..but they don’t pick up the regular people that’s doing stuff. They only pick up the people..like regular people…I don’t get it….it’s like they targeting..you feel what I’m saying…and I don’t like that stuff so that’s why I’m trying to speak out. I just want them to stop targeting people. It seems like they picking on special people instead of getting at the people that’s really doing crimes out here…you know what I’m saying…because they was just shooting yesterday…up on Superior. Yeah they was just shooting and wasn’t no police outside all night so you see what I’m saying. It’s bullshit.

Interviewer: Yeah

Interviewee: And so that’s it. I’m just want them to stop and like really do their job. I want them to really crack down and do their job.

Interviewer: Have you yourself been targeted recently, just like picked up randomly?

Interviewee: Not really. I’ve been trying to stay away from that.

Interviewer: Ok

Interviewee: But I have been picked up randomly and I had to get let go because I didn’t do nothing. Like I had to get let go…they said that I looked like somebody. Right like I looked like somebody. Bullshit.

Interviewer: What about any experience that you know of, like family members and their interaction with the police?

Interviewee: One time my brother didn’t know his social so he got beat up by the police. He got beat up.

Interviewer: Just because he didn’t know his social?

Interviewee: Yeah, he didn’t know his social so he got beat up

Interviewer: That’s crazy…so what’s one thing that you would definitely like to see changed?

Interviewee: I just want to see all of that stopped. I want to see all of that targeting stopped. I want them to crack down and do their real jobs that they supposed to be doing instead of trying to do other stuff..like just idiot stuff…..