Riley, LaShawnna Oral History Interview

My fiancé goes to the Cudell Recreation Center every day except on Wednesdays and it was just, you know, it was just trouble… the way they could do a young child. This mother daughter, she was sending her child to play at the recreation center and I didn’t believe that because I know for a fact that they have a security guard there and I didn’t understand how that could have happened in a place that was already secured… But as far as my personal experiences with the umm [police]… I had a couple of run-ins with my fiancé, and they have come out. They try to come out and talk to you, you know, like you have no rights. They sent me to jail one day, in my panties and bra and my house phone and that was because they did not want to hear my side of the situation. They couldn’t trust me enough to go and put on some clothes. This is coming from a person that… I have not made a habit of crime or nothing like that. But they wouldn’t even let me put on clothes to be arrested. I am scared for my younger nephews and their future… I chose not to have children of my own and now I am glad I did because now I am not worried about them losing their life from somebody who is supposed to serve and protect.