Personal Account of Prosecutorial Misconduct

Victim of spousal assault describes prosecutor abandoning her case because the perpetrator was the brother of the prosecutor.

I was assaulted by my husband, with injuries requiring me to be hospitalized, while my two young children were sleeping in their rooms. The North Olmsted police found a marijuana grow operation, illegal at the time, in my husband’s basement. Local DEA agents were called to confiscate the equipment and drugs. While in the hospital I was told by a North Olmsted officer, who stayed with me, that my husband was in jail and a neighbor was watching my children. After the hospital released me, the officer took me home where I saw my husband sitting at the kitchen table laughing with the officers. Someone pulled me aside to tell me there was a change in plans and I was no longer allowed to press charges. This same man told me to take care of my children while they finished up. A few months later I took my two young children and left my husband, never talking about that day. Now, eleven years later my now ex-husband has exposed what happened during current litigation that he started in the Cuyahoga County Courts. My ex-husband’s brother was a Cuyahoga County federal prosecutor at the time, he’s now a prosecutor with the Ohio Attorney General. My ex-husband called him moments after he assaulted me, and using his prosecutor title, under color of law, my ex-brother in law interfered allowing my ex-husband to escape charges. In what one can only describe a soul cleanse, my ex-husband has exposed himself and his brother, providing me with an opportunity to finally seek justice for myself and my children.