Veronica Oral History Interview


Geraci, Noah



NG: What has your experience been with police violence?

V: In 2012, on November 29, my cousin was the victim of the police. She was. Her car. Her and her boyfriend’s car was shot up 137 times. The police that jumped on the hood of the car shot through the window. They did his trial in May and they released him. I think that was very wrong. And,

Someone else: That was your people’s car?

V: Yeah, that was my cousin. And I don’t feel that because when the police talk to me and see me and stuff, I don’t really be bothered with them or they try to say something smart.  If I say, “I don’t talk to y’all. Y’all killed my cousin.” “So what? It weren’t you.” And stuff like that. I think. I hate the police.

NG: That’s really rough. What would you want other people to know about the police [unintelligible] violence?

V: They say they’re here to protect and serve. They’re here to kill people.

NG: Yeah, I know. In California, where I’m from there’s been a lot of that in LA and Oakland. I’m really sorry that you lost your cousin.

V: That was my cousin. Her name was Malissa Williams.

NG: And you said that was in 2012. And nothing really happened?

V: Nothing happened. They basically gave him a slap on the wrist.

NG: Yeah.

V: My cousin was shot 29 times.

NG: I’m so sorry.

V: And the police. When we went to trial, they said officers that was at the gym decided to quit doing what they was doing at the gym, jump in the hot seat, and chase without permission. Officers that was getting off decided to turn around and jump in a high-speed chase without permission.

NG: Yeah, that doesn’t make any sense. I guess none of the stuff they do doesn’t really. What do you think? What do you think the change about [unintelligible]?

V: They need to start locking these polices up! Yeah.

NG: Yeah, I agree.

V: They need to start locking these polices up for everything they do.

NG: Yeah, I think there’s not, I think there’s not. There’s not a lot [unintelligible]. Thank you so much for sharing your story. Is there anything else you want to talk about?

V: Not really.

NG: I really appreciate.