Unnamed Oral History Interview – 2110

Interviewer: Today is August 19th, 2015 and this is anonymous – is that correct?

Interviewee:  Yes

Interviewer: OK if you can just tell me the one experience you can think of…

Interviewee: One experience is a little over a month ago I just came from the store, and I was walking from 23rd… I did have a beer and I just sat down and opened it and took a sip out of it. A vice car was riding past…and they came to me like “Oh ok, bring your ID” and I was like “ok whatever”, and they said, “You can go ahead and drink it but we’re still going to write you up for this ticket” but I just threw it away. And I said, “Yall have nothing better to do but mess with homeless people.” So they jumped out of the car and threw me on the car and put the handcuffs on me real tight and they took me to jail because of me saying they have nothing better to do than mess with homeless people. And I got sick that night because I have a heart condition… so I ended up getting sick and they did….rough handed me…they threw me on the car and wrapped handcuffs on me and they put them on really tight.  So, they ended up letting me out at 3 o’clock in the morning cause at first they told me I wasn’t getting out until after the weekend but then they let me out at 3 o’clock that morning and said you don’t have to go to court because I guess they wrongly arrested me…and…I mean…that’s all they said.  They wrongly arrested me and they wrote me an open container ticket and they had a trespassing ticket because I was sitting in front of a building but….a lot of times they ride past the same building with people sitting there and don’t stop and tell people sitting there, that they can’t sit there… they just arrested me because they didn’t like what I said. They patrol this area…

Interviewer: We’re at 17th and Superior

Interviewee:  They patrol through here…they mostly go and back forth past 100 Lake Side mostly…it’s an all-black vice car….I know one of the officers name is Jordan and like I said…they seem to make it their job to only mess with homeless people…I mean there’s really nothing wrong happening, and when there’s something somewhere else happening they are not there to…to help out…messing around over here with homeless people who have nowhere to go. 

Interviewer: Thank you. Thank you so much.